Sue: Do you think it’s a good idea having sex with him?
Una: Well, we’ve been together for more than three months, and we do love each other.
S: You think that’s enough?
U: It seems to be enough for everybody else, so why not us?
S: You’re separating sex from marriage.
U: I guess so.
S: Hmm. You want babies?
U: Not yet anyway.
S: So you’re separating sex from babies too?
U: Isn’t that what the pill and condoms are for?
S: No need, then, for strings like marriage and babies?
U: You’re making sex sound like a big deal. Everybody’s doing it.
S: What about getting rid of more strings?
U: Like?
S: Commitment, faithfulness. Suppose he decided that neither of you should be tied to just one partner?
U: I’d kill him. Then I’d dump him.
S: Who’s making sex sound like a big deal now? Isn’t he only letting go of another string?
U: There has to be faithfulness or there’s nothing.
S: Yes, but what does ‘faithful’ mean when you’re not married? It just means “until one of us gets tired of the other, or meets someone else.”
U: So you’re saying sex, marriage, babies and faithfulness all belong together? That they shouldn’t be separated.
S: Seems to me that if we can cut one string we can cut whatever other ones we like.
U: You make sex sound like a drag, with althese strings.
S: No, I’m making it far more exciting, an adventure. A true love story.
U: Just by keeping it for marriage?
S: Yes. We’re talking body language here.
U: Don’t get you.
S: No? You eye a guy, smile at him, hold hands, hug him. You don’t even need to tell him you’re liking him more and more, your body language says it all. Even more than your words.
U: And next step is sex.
S: You’re awful eager for sex. Slow down. What does the body language, having sex, “say”?
U: Haven’t a clue.
S: Think about it. It says two things: “I give myself totally to you” and “I fully accept your complete gift of yourself to me.” And without that complete giving, the sex is a “lie”, a fraud.
U: Not sure I get that.
S: Ok, the “total” bit. That includes “my exclusive love”, it includes “forever”, it includes “my fertility”, all this I’m giving you. And I accept the same from you.
U: I bet most couples don’t realise that’s what they’re saying when they stand at the altar.
S: And each time they make love afterwards! They’re saying their marriage cannot be broken except by death, they’ll be faithful forever and that their love will always be open to new life.
U: Sounds scary!
S: It’s awesome. And what makes it even more awesome is that God is as truly present in their bedroom as at the altar, deepening their love for each other.
U: You could revolutionise society with these ideas.
S: And the Church too.
Culled from