On Tolkien's Faith

The martyr
When he was eight, his mother—overworked and worn out from poverty and the emotional pressures of family members who continued to criticize her conversion—lapsed into a diabetic coma and died in six days.
The Lord of Heaven and Middle Earth
J.R.R. Tolkien's Work and his Catholic Faith
by Eric Scheske
His father died when he was four.
When he was eight, his mother had to go back to work to support her children when an Anglican relative withheld financial support because of her conversion to Catholicism. (The establishment in England at this time was prejudiced against "popery " to an extent scarcely conceivable today.)
The martyr
Four years later, his mother—overworked and worn out from poverty and the emotional pressures of family members who continued to criticize her conversion—lapsed into a diabetic coma and died in six days.
The boy was left in the care of Fr. Francis Morgan, a priest appointed by the mother to act as guardian...
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