Aslanfirst, life racer and gynkhana winner

I came in this world without being consulted. I see it as a wonderful opportunity to gain the most, with this short time I have always had. This is an English offshoot of a successful Spanish webpage entitled Anecdonet. NOW, PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK TO GET THE JUICY STORY. That's a part of this hurdle race we are talking about!

What is this about...

Anecdonet English (AE) was born with the aim of providing tools to explain abstract ideas with basic images. Parables and metaphores are a gift for the minds of people immersed in the whirldwind of technology. Use images to explain complex ideas. Parables, comparisons. Moonlight stories. Short stories with intention. WE'RE GLAD TO RECEIVE YOUR COMMENTS.


Boy prays to be like his dad

Boy prays to be like his dad

The Father cried when he heard his son's prayer... And his prayer had wings it never had before...

Richard Dawkins long run

Richard Dawkins, Biologist, specificaly Zoologist, talks about God as a an Atheist, an Expert in Religion. He is sure that God does not exist. But he does not probe it. He sees however any religion as a threat to his militant atheism, as an enemy of reason. How can anyone probe that?
As anyone who could be sure my father didn't exist would be wrong, Richard Dawkins is mistaken. His certainty about God's not-existence is a flaw. The probe itself is the existence of the universe, that goes back to the big bang and the first point with infinite mass and zero extension... That origin takes us back to the main doubt: what put that there? What originated all that? The enemy of reason is not faith but doubt.

In one of his televised programmes, inside a Catholic Church, while the Mass is going on, Dawkins asks a communicant whether he can probe he has received God as soon as he received Communion. The person, feeling manhandled, answered that he could not.  Dawkins infers satisfied that the whole fact is an enemy of reason.

Many times we suspend reason for various actions like kissing to say goodnight. We do not doubt our love, we just assume it. But we wouldn't be ready to present all the probes of paternity at the time of kissing our father to wish him goodnight. 

Many people will join Dawkins in their road to shout the non-existence of God. In my oppinion the more they shout, the more they will awaken other consciences, starting by theirs. And the more they treck along that road the more they'll ask how long to arrive... and the most important question they will have to face is where are we arriving to.

Forrester Ladder and Zest for God

Forrester Ladder and Zest for God
At the heart of Social Technographics is consumer data that looks at how consumers approach social technologies – not just the adoption of individual technologies.  We group consumers into six different categories of participation – and participation at one level may or may not overlap with participation at other levels. We use the metaphor of a ladder to show this, with the rungs at the higher end of the ladder indicating a higher level of participation.

We assume that there are many people in their quest to find the truth about themselves: where they come from, what the purpose of their lives is, where they are going to... They are, knowingly or not, trying to find the lead towards their Creator. Some of them do it contiously, others rather not. Most probably, an advance hypothesis would be that those touched by the grace who are already seeking to find God, are already past the ladder's step beyond the point of being mere spectator. They are already contributing in the network social sites, or beyond that using RSS, and criticising blogs, even creating their own blogs (that would give them a margin of just 13% of the total). 

Comment: For example, 13% of US online adult consumers are "Creators" meaning that they have posted to a blog, updated a Web page, or uploaded video they created within the last month. I would fall this group because of this blog. I'm also a user of services like flicker so would be a "Collector" as well. But I'm  also active on social networking sites like facebook, so I am also a "Joiner". Lastly, while I enjoy reading environmental blogs like Treehugger, I'm mostly a "Spectator" when it comes to that content area, although I occasionally add a comment here and there.
The value of Social Technographics comes when it's used by companies to create their social strategies. For example, in the report we look at how Social Technographics profiles differ by primary life motivation, site usage, and even PC ownership. 

Eight Strategies to Say No

One of the most essential skills that a freelancer can have is the ability to say “no”.

Without that skill, you will be overloaded with requests and assignments, and continuously overworked and missing deadlines, the quality of your work will slip, and you will take on assignments that you don’t enjoy and that don’t pay enough for the time you spend on them.

By saying “no”, although you might feel that others will feel offended or hurt (and it’s possible), you are also sending a strong message that you value your time, that you have priorities, and that you also respect the person to whom you’re saying no, as you don’t want to commit to something and then do a lousy job or not do it at all.

Should you say “no” to everything that comes your way? (...)
Eight Strategies to Say No

Ten ill effects of co-habitation

Review lists ten ill-effects of cohabitation 
In a recent Irish Times survey 74% of women said they agreed that it was “a good idea for couples to live together for a period of time before they decide to marry.” 

No reasons were given for this view, but the September issue of the US Catholic journal, New Oxford Review, carried a review of research on the ill-effects of cohabitation. 

Dr A Patrick Schneider II began with Chuck Colson’s remark that “cohabitation is training for divorce,” then listed “Ten Facts” from the research. He reported that in the US: 

Our High Priest

An image of the Eucharist

At the crisis of a battle in the War a vital communication between a certain division and Army battle headquarters went dead. Somewhere the enemy shells had cut the wire and it was absolutely essential to get it repaired at once. Only one signalman was available in the divisional staff dugout at the moment and he went out to find the break and join it. In a few minutes the messages began coming through again. An hour later the man had still not returned and a party went to look for him. He was found lying beside the line, holding together in his hands the two broken ends, with a great shell wound over his heart from which he had bled to death. 

There follows a comment on this shocking story...

Global Warming Great Swindle

Nobody likes to be deceived. Much less if it is dressed as a Scientist. That's why many look at Al Gore with scepticism.

The Video on the Global Warmth Great Swindle (Spanish subtitles). Embeds are currently unavailable.

Courage from Communion

The Eucharist gives us strength / - Soldier's heroism due to the Eucharist

There follows another example of
the strengh that comes from the Communion...

A French army officer recalls how he was taking part in the bitter fighting on the heights of Notre Dame de Lorette, 1915.
Courage from Communion

What is the best quality for a Teacher

If you ask the main problem teachers face many would answer the absolut lack of knowledge. That is a wrong answer, since the teacher is there to solve that lapsus. No. The problem nowadays comes from the family and shows in the disregard for whatever happens inside the classroom; disruption of activities is constant and teachers find it extremelly difficult to fullfil any teaching plans. Actually, surviving school life for a professional teacher is not easy in the least, due to all sorts of violence...

Today we would like to ask an experienced teacher what the best quality for a teacher is.

The answer comes straight from the heart of a Saint. This is a short video taken from a public -however intimate- meeting held in Spain with Saint Josemaria, Founder of Opus Dei.

Hear it from the "horse's mouth" as it's commonly said...

Best Teacher's Quality...

The pigs of the farm don't pray (grace at meals, human respect)

Being afraid to pray in public
The train was crowded. There were several people trying in the compartment to fit their boxes into their layers. I doubted whether to say my three hail Maries kneeling down, spreading my arms in cross shape or just pray them quietly in my bed. The six bunk-beds were slowly getting filled. While I was struggling with my thoughts my stout mate brought out a small carpet, spreaded it on the ground and started worshipping Allah towards what he tought it was the orientation to the Mecca. I was flabbergasted at the sight.
Immediatelly I came down from my bunk bed, I knelt down and I prayer my Three Hail Maries of the Purity out loud... with my arms in the sape of cross, as my mother had taught me.

Assuming so many things in the First World.

Letter to Electric Power Authority in a Developing country (Nigeria)

They do it with style and irony. They are great. 
Don't miss the contribution...

September 3, 2008

The Area Manager,

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you with a deep sense of humility and gentleness. I consider this a great opportunity to communicate with an entity as awe-inspiring as yourself. Firstly, I bring greetings to you from residents of my area in Lagos. 

As a dutiful citizen, I consider this letter as part of my civic responsibilities. Great countries comprise of citizens who are alive to their responsibilities. As a famous musician once said, "Ask not what your country can eat from you but what you can eat from your country."

I have benefited immensely from this country; therefore I have decided to give back. 

I want to bring to your notice some strange occurrences which have been happening in my area. I want to sadly inform you that in the last 2 weeks, electricity has been stable. In other words, we sleep and wake up with electricity, we go to work and come back and electricity is still running. This is a terribly new and I must add DANGEROUS development in the lives of residents of my area. This is something we are not used to. This is too much electricity for us to handle. In the first week of constant electricity, I started acting strangely. (...)

The lier must remember his lies.

The lier must remember his lies.
Here we offer a joke to remind us to tell the truth and remember all what we say. The story is called never lie to this robot...

One day Kyle's dad brought home a robot. The robot was special in that it could detect a lie and would slap the person who lied on the face.
Kyle returned late from school that day and his dad asked him, "Son why are you late from school? 
" Kyle answered, "Dad, we had extra classes today". Much to his astonishment the robot jumped up and slapped Kyle on his face. (...)

Just a Professional Drama Teacher, please.

Looking for a not sexually oriented teacher.

Choosing a heterosexual head of actors for the Drama School.

My dream has always been to gather a few children from the streets and to extract their hidden diamonds. That's not so easy. I have to find people with hidden diamonds...
I began with a drama group, ten in all. Later on another group of voices, most of them beautiful. Seven in total. Later on a group of seven magicians were added to the group of talents. Among all of us would build a show: 
Alfambra has got Talent
To find enthusiastic Teachers would be critical. I found a very good voice master. Also I recruited a wonderful "Dumbledore" for my Magic school. But I had no luck with my Drama Head. My First teacher, a professional Clown, was unable to handdle my first kid actors (12-13 year old boys). My second Drama teacher happened to be a homosexual, sexually active and kid-oriented -of course, I didn't know about it!. So we were on our toes from the on-set. And the first day, when unnecessarilly  he told the boys to undress, he was fired. No joke. My soul is at stake, and my future as a citizen. (...)



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