Aslanfirst, life racer and gynkhana winner

I came in this world without being consulted. I see it as a wonderful opportunity to gain the most, with this short time I have always had. This is an English offshoot of a successful Spanish webpage entitled Anecdonet. NOW, PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK TO GET THE JUICY STORY. That's a part of this hurdle race we are talking about!

What is this about...

Anecdonet English (AE) was born with the aim of providing tools to explain abstract ideas with basic images. Parables and metaphores are a gift for the minds of people immersed in the whirldwind of technology. Use images to explain complex ideas. Parables, comparisons. Moonlight stories. Short stories with intention. WE'RE GLAD TO RECEIVE YOUR COMMENTS.


Richard Dawkins long run

Richard Dawkins, Biologist, specificaly Zoologist, talks about God as a an Atheist, an Expert in Religion. He is sure that God does not exist. But he does not probe it. He sees however any religion as a threat to his militant atheism, as an enemy of reason. How can anyone probe that?
As anyone who could be sure my father didn't exist would be wrong, Richard Dawkins is mistaken. His certainty about God's not-existence is a flaw. The probe itself is the existence of the universe, that goes back to the big bang and the first point with infinite mass and zero extension... That origin takes us back to the main doubt: what put that there? What originated all that? The enemy of reason is not faith but doubt.

In one of his televised programmes, inside a Catholic Church, while the Mass is going on, Dawkins asks a communicant whether he can probe he has received God as soon as he received Communion. The person, feeling manhandled, answered that he could not.  Dawkins infers satisfied that the whole fact is an enemy of reason.

Many times we suspend reason for various actions like kissing to say goodnight. We do not doubt our love, we just assume it. But we wouldn't be ready to present all the probes of paternity at the time of kissing our father to wish him goodnight. 

Many people will join Dawkins in their road to shout the non-existence of God. In my oppinion the more they shout, the more they will awaken other consciences, starting by theirs. And the more they treck along that road the more they'll ask how long to arrive... and the most important question they will have to face is where are we arriving to.


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