Aslanfirst, life racer and gynkhana winner

I came in this world without being consulted. I see it as a wonderful opportunity to gain the most, with this short time I have always had. This is an English offshoot of a successful Spanish webpage entitled Anecdonet. NOW, PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK TO GET THE JUICY STORY. That's a part of this hurdle race we are talking about!

What is this about...

Anecdonet English (AE) was born with the aim of providing tools to explain abstract ideas with basic images. Parables and metaphores are a gift for the minds of people immersed in the whirldwind of technology. Use images to explain complex ideas. Parables, comparisons. Moonlight stories. Short stories with intention. WE'RE GLAD TO RECEIVE YOUR COMMENTS.


The Parable of the Watermaster

Years ago there was a village in a desert.
Water was scarce, and the people treasured what little they had. It seldom rained, but when it did, people scurried about to capture it in buckets and pots. Every drop was a treasure. Every cup was precious.

For that reason the discovery in the cavern was thrilling news.

One day a farmer was digging holes for fence posts. A few feet below the surface of the ground he found a cavern- not large, but full of water. He immediately lowered a bucket, pulled it out, and tasted, to his delight, cold, sweet water. He was so excited he filled all his buckets, loaded them in the back of his wagon, and hurried into the village.

"I have water! I have water!" he shouted.

The villagers came running out of their houses. As the people gathered, the farmer explained how he had come upon the treasure. He joyfully announced that there was enough for everyone.
"Drink all you want," he offered. And then, to the people's amazement, he picked up a bucket and doused a little boy.
"There is plenty!" he proclaimed. "Enjoy it."

And with that the people began to laugh and splash each other. For the first time as long as anyone could remember, there was enough water for everyone. After the celebration, the farmer announced his plan.

"I'll bring some water in every morning so each of you can have what you need." And that's exactly what he did.

The farmer became the watermaster.

It continues...


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