His face dashed. He was outpouring satisfaction left and right. He even waved his hand to the surprised people. He was not transparent any more. He was not a black. He could not stop smiling. It came right from his heart. He entered the Mall and pointed to those nice trousers for the occasion. - Yeah! Those ones! I'll try them on...
Clearly, the brand said everything: President...
- I am no more a Black-man. I am BLACK.
And he got swinging through the alleys, a complete brand new day.
It is a good moment to stop and think.
All what we are has nothing to do with the way we look or what we have. Even though nowadays many facts seem to tell us otherwise.
What makes me important is who I am.
So I thought: Well I am also glad, because of my black friend!
But, What am I?
I am BIG, for I have been bought for a high price (1 Cor. 6:19-20): the whole blood of Christ.
So, I did not need a pair of President trousers, but I felt like been a son of the Royal Family... a Son of God.
And I imagined my shadow swinging along the streets waving at the flabbergasted peddestrians.
Yeah! Although life is hard in Africa, Africans are happy because God gives them life. They do not need to apologise to anyone. Being grateful for what they have they have more than those who have plenty of things but are ever craving for what they don't have. They have a lot to teach the world
Indeed one of the most striking things you can learn from Africans is their bearing in crisis times, in difficult moments. They are never afraid nor ashamed of being humane,and you ever feel welcome amidst africans. You have many things to teach the world. Money ends up to be an instrument, but happiness is meassured in other ways. And africans have better rules for meassuring it.